

ATC is a British company whose total preoccupation, since it was formed in 1974, has been with quality. Since its inception, ATC has kept steadfastly to its founders aims of building loudspeakers and audio electronics, which employ the most effective of modern engineering principles.

That has meant far more than keeping up with or even ahead of the competition. It has meant striving to make loudspeakers as near perfection in their performance as it is possible to make them.

All ATC products are built to provide nothing less than the best sound reproduction money can buy and to meet the challenge of the latest digital recording technology.

Loudspeaker Technology Ltd, Gypsy Lane, Aston Down, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 8HR.
Tel: +44 (0)1285 760561 Fax: +44 (0)1285760683 Email:

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Website Design: Five Fifty
